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Top 3 foods for Skin  Health

Blog Posts

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Top 3 foods for Skin Health




I recently did an Instagram live with the lovely Taryn Williams on skin health so I have summarised the important take-aways for this blog post.

 Skin shows us all manner of issues going on within the body.

 For example psoriasis tells us there’s a autoimmune condition happening. Eczema can signal gut dysfunction, rosacea – inflammation to name but a few. So we really need to work from within to get the glowing healthy skin we desire.

If you do have any of these conditions it’s always a good idea to consult with a Registered Nutritional Therapist as they can tailor a plan to suit your whole body to gain rebalance in all areas.

 So here we go my top 3 foods and why:

1.     Oily Fish – SMASH fish which is an acronym for Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovy, Sardine and Herring are all oil fish that have an abundance of Omega 3 and Vitamin E. Omega 3 is an anti-inflammatory meaning that it is calming to the skin – reducing redness and also it plumps up the skin cells due to it’s fat content which is an important nutrient in the cell walls of the skin. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant for skin so it quenches all the toxins and rejuvenates the cells. Fatty fish also has Zinc in which is hugely important in regeneration and repair to the skin cells and it is one of the hardest nutrients to get from diet alone.

2.     Vitamin C rich foods – deep purple berries and green leafy veggies – Vitamin C is one of the master antioxidants for the body – it can rejuvenate all the other antioxidants and replenish itself. Vitamin C is also a co-factor nutrient needed for collagen production and we all know this is an essential building block for health skin as well as soft tissue and bone health.

3.     Fermented Foods – sauerkraut, kimchee, kefir, kombucha etc – these foods and drinks are high in the beneficial bacteria to help out guts. We absorb all our nutrients through the gut, so if it ain’t working properly then we ain’t absorbing all those lovely vitamins and minerals – EVEN If we’re eating a really healthy diet! So for me the gut plays a huge role in skin health so we need to look after it.


So, hopefully that has given you some information and inspiration of what to eat for good skin and why. Leave me a comment if you have any burning questions.


Kelly x