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Top 3 Tips for Busy Parents

Blog Posts

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Top 3 Tips for Busy Parents


Top 3 Tips on eating well when you’re a busy parent:


1.     SHOP ONLINE – and repeat order every week/two weeks

This has been a game changer for me – I have a weekly organic food box delivery – I personally use Abel & Cole but Riverford are also good as well as Farm Drop. This means there’s no sneaking in a few chocolate bars when you’re feeling drained doing the weekly shop. No moments of weakness and no kids chucking the world into the trolley and having to bargain with them to be able to take it out. This leads onto my next tip…

2.     MEAL PLAN – and rotate every two/three weeks.

This takes all thought/stress out of working out on a daily basis what to eat. It also means the kids are less likely to argue about what they want for dinner every night as they do. Especially if you get them to help you plan it out with the healthy meals they enjoy. Choose easy/ready prepped meals on evenings when they may have after-school clubs or you’re collecting them later due to work/school/nursery etc. Again leading nicely onto my last tip…


Aim to prep 2/3 meals on a weekend/when you have an hour or two to be able to do this. Top tip here – get the kids to help. The can fetch you ingredients/mix/combine things for you and if they’re anything like mine they will love doing this. This way you can also tick off the “quality family time without TV” bullet point on the “guilt list” in your head as a busy parent!